BAE Systems CTF

In March 2022, I entered a cybersecurity Capture the Flag competition at Swansea University, organised by BAE Systems Applied Intelligence.
I worked in a team with Oliver Ferris, Asinsa Guniyangodage and Joshua Murray, with us placing 2nd in the competition overall.

Through the course of the day, we competed to extract flag tokens from a number of different target systems, including websites, databases, binary executables, and encrypted filesystems.

Challenges were divided into a number of categories including forensics, web, cryptography, networking, binary exploits, and reverse-engineering.

Some of these were a great opportunity to practice existing skills, extracting data from unknown file-systems, cracking passwords, or creating SQL injections and buffer overflows.
Others, such as reverse-engineering, were a great introduction to new tools and techniques for decompilation and static analysis of programs.