Projects & Competitions


These are write-ups about the different Computer Science competitions that I've taken part in.

Google Hash Code Logo

Google Hash Code

I've competed in the Google Hash Code competition for the past 3 years, with my team coming 46th in the UK in 2022

BAE Systems CTF Logo

BAE Systems CTF

In March 2022 I competed in a capture the flag cybersecurity competition at Swansea University, organised by BAE systems.

Festival of Code Logo

Festival of Code 2014/2015

In 2014 and 2015 I took part in the Festival of Code, a week-long event, organised by Young Rewired State

Recent Projects

These are pages for documenting projects that I have previously worked on, or am currently developing.

Allendale Holidays Logo
Website Rebuild for Allendale Holidays

Over the summer of 2020, I worked to redesign and rebuild the website for Allendale Holidays, a small tourism business in the North of England.

Battlefield Labyrinth Screenshot
Battlefield: Labyrinth

A group 2D Game Development project in Autumn 2020, using Java and JavaFX.

Pathfinding Demo Screenshot
Grid-Based Pathfinding

In spring 2020, I developed a 2d grid-based pathfinding system, in C#, for a friend's Unity game project.

Recipe Viewer Homescreen
Recipe Viewer

In summer 2021, I designed and developed a Python web-app to store, reformat, and view online recipes.

LoRa Chat Network Topology
LoRa Chat

A long-range, low-power wireless chat network using LoRa and ESP32 micro-controllers

You are Here

My Personal Site

I started development on this site in Autumn 2020, to practice my web development skills, and to create somewhere to host projects I'm involved in.