Festival of Code

I took part in the Festival of Code, organised by Young Rewired State, in 2014 and 2015. This involved a week of working in a team to create a web application, making use of open data sets, in local event centres, At the end of the week, the teams would gather at a national centre to present our finished application to a panel of judges and hundreds of other participants

For these competitions I did front end development in HTML and CSS, along with Javascript to interface with OpenStreetMaps. For the back-end development, we wrote a web server in Python 2.7, making use of the Flask library, and used an SQL database to store our datasets. 

These events also gave me experience in working to an immovable deadline, and helped improve my presentation skills and confidence, through presenting technical details to hundreds of other developers. 

The main python libraries we used for this project were, Flask, Werkzeug, and Jinja2.