Recipe Viewer

This project was brought on by frustration at poorly-formatted recipe websites, and those that frequently change their URL schemes, thus breaking bookmarks.
After trying to relocate a particularly troublesome bread recipe, I had a poke around the webcode, and found that most recipe websites are complient with the Recipe Schema standard.

I started this project with the goal of creating a local Python webapp that could take a recipe URL for a schema-complient webpage, and store and display a reformatted version.

The project took just over a week from inital idea to first release version, using Django for the webserver backend.
It allows users to add recipes by URL, which stores the recipe data in a local SQLite database.
Users can then search stored recipes, by name or keyword, and view them in a standard template format, which can be customised to their preferences using its own CSS stylesheet.

The latest release version can be found here along with instructions on installation and use.